Monthly Archives: December 2012

Gluten Free Organic Blueberry Coconut Superfood Muffins

Whew…that’s a mouthful but I PROMISE you will not be disappointed in these muffins. With Christmas rapidly approaching you’re probably looking for ways to lessen your stress. This recipe is perfect to make ahead and have ready on Christmas morning because the last thing you should be doing is standing in the kitchen when everyone else is gathering and enjoying the morning.

Here is the original recipe. All you have to do is a quick google search to learn more about Chia seeds as they are one the superfoods found in these yummy muffins. They are packed with omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. Blueberries, as we all know, are a great source of free radical fighting antioxidants as well. Plus a little extra protein to go with the coconut oil to keep your blood sugar stable. Top them with a little organic butter and you have a great start to you Christmas morning or any day for that matter.

Gluten-Free Organic Blueberry Coconut Superfood Muffins

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees (F) while you gather the following items:

Muffin Ingredients

Muffin Ingredients

Hint: Always choose organic where possible, as organic foods are grown without the use of toxic chemical pesticides and herbicides.

1 cup of coconut flour
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of sea salt
5 free-range eggs
1/2 cup coconut butter (or oil) (make sure it’s in the liquid form or it won’t blend well)
1/2 c maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup almond milk
1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

2 scoops Biotics Whey Protein


1. Mix 1/2 cup of almond milk with chia seeds and set it aside for 30 minutes. (They will thicken up pretty quickly. Mine were ready before 30 minutes.)

Chia Seeds Thickened with Almond Milk

Chia Seeds Thickened with Almond Milk

2. Combine coconut flour, baking soda, baking powder, protein powder, sea salt, vanilla, and maple syrup and mix well.

3. Add eggs, coconut butter, chia seeds (the texture should be thick) and the rest of almond milk.

4. Blend in the frozen blueberries by hand, being careful not to crush the blueberries.

5. Pour this batter into paper muffin liners that you’ve placed in a muffin baking pan. (You’re not really going to pour the batter, it’s very thick so scoop it into the muffin cups.)  Fill them completely.

Fill the muffin cups completely.

Fill the muffin cups completely.

6. Bake the muffins at 350 degrees (F) for 35 – 40 minutes, or until they are golden brown on the outside and completely cooked on the inside. (If you oven cooks hot like mine, reduce cooking time to 30-35 minutes. Check them with a toothpick to see if they are done.)

Top with butter and ENJOY!


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Filed under Recipes

B Vitamin Helps Depression


Depression (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Depression can be a debilitating condition. Symptoms run the gamut from mild to life altering.  It is also common. Depression is the leading non-fatal disease burden in the world. Approximately 1 in 10 people report being depressed.


Medically, drugs are given to patients that essentially increase the effectiveness of the serotonin system in the brain. This treatment, however, is very ineffective. Only about 30% of people achieve remission with one treatment and only 70% with 4 cumulative treatments. Clearly, there is room for more effective treatments out there.


The most popular class of drugs used to treat depression are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. They prevent the nerves in the brain from vacuuming serotonin back up after it has been released. In essence, it makes serotonin more available to the brain. There is quite a bit of research that questions whether these drugs are actually any better than placebo, but that’s for another blog.  Examples of these drugs include Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft.


A recent study has found the addition of high dose L-methylfolate (active folic acid) to the regimen of patients already taking an SSRI helped improve symptoms dramatically in those who had no response or partial response initially.  The dose of L-methylfolate was 15mg/day and was tolerated very well by most patients.


Why use the active form of the vitamin?


Folic acid is a very inexpensive supplement that can readily be found at any health food store. When human beings consume folic acid, we must convert it to the active form called L-methylfolate. If we do not, our bodies cannot use it. In some people, however, there exists a genetic defect in which they do not efficiently convert folic acid into L-methylfolate.  To prevent this from confounding the results, the authors of the study used the active form. The active form is also available in supplement form as well. I have been using it in my clinic for years to treat people with depression, inflammation and many other conditions in which folic acid metabolism is an issue. It is also possible to use very high doses of the inactive folic acid to achieve the same results, although less rigorous study exists for that.

Depression is complex, but simple remedies exist to help people get relief. Active folic acid, or L-methylfolate, is a good option for those suffering or for those who have not gotten the relief they’ve been looking for from conventional treatments.



Filed under Brain Health